Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where is my soulmate? Is my manifesting not working?

Q - I've been living a very solitary life lately, and it's one that I'm completely over!!! But no matter what I try, I just don't seem to be able to bring my 'new life' any closer. For me it feels like I'm in a holding pattern. I've meditated on it, journal daily on it, created a gratitude journal specifically for it, even learnt about writing 'soul prayers' (as Robert Ohotto puts it!!!), but nothing seems to change. Even when I realize I'm trying too hard and that the frustration is pulling me away from positive thoughts, I let go and allow fate to take its course.... still nothing happens!!!! In choosing to participate in your course, I wanted to learn more about manifestation, but its taught me so much more, its been a wonderful (and emotional) journey of self discovery. My only hope is that by the end of it, the universe will see that I am trying to put myself in the best possible position to receive this 'new life' I'm often told about, and finally, it will allow me the pleasure of having Divine Timing on my side!!! - Mandy, Australia

Dana's Response: In my experience, the Law of Attraction is real, but it is only a response to your Vibrational Reality which consists of so much more; old energies, hidden aspects, beliefs, higher plans, fears, soul cellular memory, inherited ancestral cellular memory, surrendering to your co-creators, divine timing etc -There are so many things involved in creating and manifesting, and it's to our benefit to be aware of as many of them as possible. Don't feel that you still have 'blocks' to uncover, or that there is something you are not getting. While it seems inconceivable to us, especially when we have a strong desire about something in particular, it may be that your soul actually wants the solitary experience you are now having, knowing it is not forever, or that even though you are ready, your future partner is not quite there yet.

If you have a strong feeling that there is a soulmate out there for you, there is. And yes, Diving Timing plays a big part. I remember a Yogi in India telling me that my soulmate was 4 years away at least. I was 26 and thought I was ready!! I remember thinking, there is no way I'm waiting that long!! Well, it was actually 8 years before the Divine brought Christian and I back together, I was 34. We had dated when I was 19/20 and never, ever, had it occurred to me that he would waltz back in my life, nor did I have any clue he'd turn out to be the one. There is a book by Arielle Ford, who finally met her soulmate in her 40's, called Hot Chocolate for the Soul: 101 Stories of Soulmates Re-Uniting. It reminds you that soulmates are always, always, re-united. I believe this more than ever in these times when everything is being turned right side up, finally. Also just because you aren't seeing anything happening, doesn't mean that 'nothing' is happening. Did you know that 98% of creation has happened before we see it manifest physically? Just know he is coming, believe he is coming, act as if he is coming, and in the meantime celebrate this time with yourself, knowing that you are nearing the end of your 'single' life, and that it is something to enjoy the last moments of. See yourself as if you are in your new life right now, just knowing that he who is right for you will come to you.

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