Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Does aligning with a desired reality mean denying actual reality?

Q. I find (aligning with your desired vibrational reality) tricky, because it feels like denial of current physical reality? - Sam, Australia

Dana's Response: It is often hard for people to visualise and feel a reality that isn't in their physical reality, because they feel they are denying their actual reality. However the acts of feeling or visualising what we want is not about denying 'actual reality'. It is about realising that our 'actual' reality is a much, much greater reality than our five senses can perceive, and that our current physical reality is only a small part of this reality. So rather than having one foot in one reality and the other foot in another reality (which implies there are 2 separate realities), a better way to think about it is to paraphrase the old parable about the three blind men who were asked to describe what an elephant looks like. One held his trunk and said an elephant is like a snake! The other patted his side and said 'It is like a wall'. The other held its tusk and said 'It is sharp like a sword'. None could see the whole elephant, thus the whole truth, the whole reality. So too, our physical reality is like the trunk or tusk of an elephant, meanwhile our whole reality is part of us too, albeit not visible to our physical eyes.
Our physical reality is just a result of the past content that has been filtering through our greater, vibrational reality, and if we want to change our physical reality the most powerful thing we can do is change our vibrational reality. It is no use manifesting anything on the physical if we haven't created it clearly on the spiritual, mental and emotional levels first because our creation will tend to either collapse or be created on a foundation not based on our authentic, aligned energy. So really, the physical shows us the results of our manifesting, but our actual manifesting happens on the non-physical planes. This will inevitably lead to a question about action: When our non-physical aspects are in alignment with our authentic being, then our actions are a natural, inspired progression of that alignment and are an enjoyable part of our life. When our non-physical aspects are not in alignment with our authentic being, our actions will usually feel like a lot of hard work and tend to not get us where we want to go, or get us there the hard way. We have been taught that 'hard work' gets us what we want, and that money won't just come out of thin air. My life experience has shown me that this is not true, and that 'magical living' is our divine birthright and something we all have a right to remember.

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