Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When I ask for higher self guidance it feels like I'm making it up?

Q - I have been asking questions of my higher self and writing down the answers that I "get". I have no idea what I'm doing, but the writing just flows. It seems to come through more easily for me when I write. Of course, then I think, 'okay, this is all coming from my head, I am making it all up'. Whatever! Beautiful words of wisdom so full of compassion, support and love...who cares where it's coming from, right? Since I started doing these meditations I find myself having a dialogue in my head ongoing, throughout the day. I don't know who is talking, and often I feel I'm just talking to myself, but sometimes I feel really connected to something higher, more wise, more patient and kind. I'm not getting a very clear visual on my higher self. I have more of a sense of her, it is as if I can feel what it would be like to be more Her, even if only momentarily! - Stefania, USA

Dana's response: Writing is one of the best ways to connect with higher guidance, allowing insights and messages to flow through you, which is why I highly recommend daily journaling as an ongoing practice. There is something about writing that lets the mind get out of the way, allowing the soul and your innate wisdom to take over. I also say it's a way to check your emails from your higher self and guides, who otherwise have a hard time getting through to us with our daily mental chatter and general busy-ness. It is completely natural and normal to feel like you are making it up, simply because the info is coming from the exact same place our imagination comes from, the higher realms, a dimension that the logical mind can't quite understand. If the dialogue feels connected to something higher, more wise, more patient and kind then that is a good sign you are connected to your higher self and realms. Higher guidance always feel gentle and kind. It is the mind or ego that makes things up, usually feeling much more harsh and critical.

Don't worry too much about what your higher self looks like, it is her or his energy that you want to tap into, yes feeling what it would be like to embody more of that energy. Likewise don't worry too much about 'who' is talking when you do feel connected to higher guidance, be it during meditation or journaling. That is, we can get hung up on 'is this my higher self or guides or an angel?' when really the separation we know on this plane between individuals doesn't exist in the higher realms in quite the same way. Our higher self might answer one aspect of a question while our guides answer another aspect. Our guides often speak as, and are, a collective group, something that again is hard for the mind to grasp. Connection with your higher self and guides simply takes trust, trusting that you can open to divine guidance and trusting what comes. It sounds like you are already doing this, which is great! Just remember: higher guidance always feels good, comforting and positive, even when it means moving outside your familar comfort zones. If guidance doesn't feel right or good, ask that your higher self be with you immediately. Ask three times to be sure.

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