Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I feel stuck, I think I'm in a cosmic static!

Q - I try to tune in to lots of guidance but can't get any clear feeling of what path I should take next. No signs like there should be. i think I am in a cosmic static. I don't want to always have difficult learning situations. Alice - Australia

Dana's response: A lot of people are experiencing a 'cosmic static' right now. As we jump from the old reality to the new not all of us jumps at the same time. So it is like some parts of us have jumped and landed, some parts are still in the old reality, and some have jumped and are flying through the air! Our new job, or relationship, or path can't fully be formed until all parts of us are ready and in place and so nearly everyone gets to the point where they feel in limbo, neither here nor there. This is a completely normal and natural part of the process. It won't last forever. The best thing to do if you are feeling no sense of which path to take is a) address any old beliefs or fears that may still be hanging on to the old reality as they cannot go with you to the new and b) have fun. This 'in between' state won't last forever and it is a perfect time to enjoy any downtime you have because you can be sure that a busier more full cycle is just up the road for you. So go to the beach, read a book, get a message, relax, stop 'trying' to move forward. Let it all go and just 'BE'.

The old reality was about learning the hard way (eg learning to step into your power after having to be abused or used first!). The new reality is about remembering who we are in joyful ways (eg stepping into our power because being in our power is who we really are). So no, you will not always have difficult learning situations and if you are still repeating difficult learning situations it is time to 'lift the needle' off that record. You don't have to learn that way anymore.

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