Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How long to spend visualising desires a day?

Q - How long do you suggest we spend each day just visualising our desires? - Bethany, Australia

Dana's response: I spend about 1 minute either during my morning meditation or when I stop at the beach during my morning walk, giving thanks for every life area eg health, relationships, work, finances, my home, travels etc. If there is any particular thing I am wanting to move more toward be it the publishing of my new book or a trip to a certain place, I give thanks for that too as I'm covering that life area. I have written 'what I want to manifest' lists as long as I can remember, usually at the beginning of every year. It doesn't mean that what I've wanted has happened in that year, but consistently having a vision of what I would like in my life has definitely steered my energy toward the fulfilment of those visions over time, most often in ways I never imagined or could possibly have orchestrated consciously.

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