Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How do I know I'm on the right path?

Q - I liked the quote in your course "Your authentic self is the part of you going with the flow. Your ego is the part of you going against this flow, resisting with fear, doubt and worry...." This certainly epitomises the struggle to uncover the inner truth with self doubt. Perhaps you could talk about the signposts to make sure you pick up the right path, career, learning experience, dream. It seems too subtle so it is easy to miss or not trust the signs. I think there are ways to polish the antenna to increase the receptivity. Can you discuss the recipe for this too. Alice - Australia

Dana's response: The most important thing is to follow your feelings. As many of you know Christian and I spent 16 months travelling recently. We had such a strong feeling to pack everything up and go, even while financially we started out with enough funds for perhaps 5 months. Everyday felt wonderful, and abundance continued to flow when we needed it, and so we took that as a sign that we were on the right path. If it had ever stopped feeling wonderful, or if we found ourselves in dire straits financially with no response to our prayers, we would have taken that as a sign to head back to Sydney. We have definitely had moments of being with $0, and made very clear requests to the Universe, letting go of our ego's and outcome, praying: "If we are meant to keep travelling, show us the money! Otherwise we'll take it as a sign that we need to be in Sydney right now." The thought of ending the trip early felt really 'heavy', (when we left our pendulum swung to 15 months to indicate how long we'd be gone) it didn't feel right at all to cut the trip short, yet in our moment of prayer we would always allow for the knowing that the Creator and our Higher Selves knew better than we did as to where we were meant to be. Every single time, without exception, abundance has come in the large quantities we needed.

Following your feelings can also involve surrendering to a higher plan. I have shared the story in one of my recent Monthly Visions about how once I got into a Masters degree in London, yet every time I even thought about booking the plane ticket I got a 'heavy' feeling, as if my body was being forced to go where it didn't want to go. I knew this wasn't about fear of living over there, I had just come back from a year of living over there and absolutely loved it. I couldn't wait to get back! Yet my body completely tensed up at the thought of buying the planet ticket. So I kept postponing the degree, and eventually said to the Universe: "Okay, if I am not meant to go, if I am meant to stay here, show me why!" Soon after that various work opportunities opened up and about 6 months later I was re-united with Christian who I hadn't seen in 14 years. Always trust how your body feels about something.

Finally, let go of what other people think about you and your life. Thankfully we have a circle of incredibly supportive friends and family around us who all believe in following your dreams. Yet there are maybe one or two well-meaning 'old school' people who don't understand what we are doing or why, and thought we'd be better off in Sydney with 'real' jobs. The thought of that is so constricting and it wouldn't cross our mind to follow that advice, yet many people do follow advice like that taking on other people's fears and beliefs about life. Always remember that people only have the GPS and Soul Manual for their life, not yours. You are the only one who knows what is right for you. A combination of following your feelings, while also surrendering to your co-creator's - your higher self and the Creator - will always guide you in the right direction.

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