Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I have a block around age

Q - I seem to have a real block in my belief system around 'age'. I have a real block around this because I feel that I, at age 26, somehow don't or can't create success because I'm not young enough, I don't have 'permission'. I remember feeling like this when I was 19! My guides tell me it is not an age issue but that I am comparing myself to others issue. - Holly, Australia

Dana's response - So many people have this 'I'm too old/I'm not young enough' issue, and it doesn't matter if you are 19, 26, 40 or 67! Our critical voice inside uses any number of things to tell us why we can't do this or that, or berates us about why we haven't yet done something, or compares us to others in a negative way. There are lots of external societal factors that influence this, as well as cellular/ancestral DNA factors, however ultimately you have two choices: to keep listening to this critical voice, or to know you have a choice to ignore it! You don't have to listen to this voice, let alone believe it. It's time for a tough love question: Who runs the show that is your life? Your critical voice (run by your ego) or your authentic self? You have to choose, otherwise you will live a constant tug o war battle between the two, and spend the rest of your life feeling you are not young enough/good enough/successful enough/anything enough. The critical ego voice will always find a way to make you feel 'wrong' and one day you have to decide you are going to stand up for yourself from now on and put that voice in its place. It is a daily thing at first, to notice when this critical voice pipes in with his or her two cents worth. You have to be vigilant and find a way to automatically switch to a more positive thought or feeling when you notice this voice. Eventually your authentic voice will become the more dominant one. It takes time and practice, but the alternative is to keep living under the thumb (and limitations) of your ego self, and you well know the physical, mental and emotional consequences of that - it doesn't feel good!

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