Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What about when positive thinking does nothing to influence an outcome?

Q - I try to be aware of negative thoughts and create and attract abundance, however I seem to be going through a phase where certain situations around me that I am involved in but have little control over seem to be independent and resistant to positive influence. It is hard not to feel emotionally involved but I cannot change anything. I try to remain pleasant and beam love but it has no effect on the outcome. This seems to always occur with particular situations and people that have lots of triggers that create confusion no matter what you do. So how do you know the steps but nothing seems to influence the outcome? The closer the people are in the circle of relatives and family the harder it is not to feel a tug at the heart. Alice - Australia

Dana's response:

1) We cannot control the actions of other people. Relatives and family especially can push our buttons, and on a higher level that is one of the major reasons we chose to incarnate within a certain soul group. The buttons they push are aspects of our selves wanting to be strengthened, activated, brought to our attention etc. Anytime we are triggered by the actions of those around us, there is still something within us yet to be resolved. For example, if we have a critical sibling or parent the upset they cause us is letting us know that we are still allowing their thoughts and opinions about us to influence us more than we are allowing our own knowing about our own self to influence us. In certain extreme situations being constantly upset may be a sign that a particular person or relationship is not in alignment with you, and you may need to think about disconnecting from that relationship for a period of time, or permanently if appropriate.

2) When we think positively in order to create a positive outcome, it is important to realise that the best possible outcome is not always the outcome we had in mind. As I said above, sometimes a certain relationship is no longer in vibrational alignment with who we are, nor is it in alignment with where we are going. So the more 'positive' we are, the wider the gap becomes and the more difficult it is to be in that relationship. Tension may increase simply because it is like having two completely different radio signals trying to broadcast at the same time in the same room. Hence, if you are involved in a relationship that is currently existing on two different vibrational signals in order to have peace and harmony you either have to a) remove yourself for a period of time or b) both of you need to be conscious about the vibrational gap and try to understand where each other are coming from. In these changing times it will get increasingly harder to be involved in any relationship or situation where you are conscious and others are not.

3) Having a positive outlook isn't always for the purpose of changing the environment around you. It changes the way you see and perceive the environment around you, lessening the degree to which you are 'triggered' by things not in alignment with you.

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